12 Different Types Of Virtual Assistants And How They Can Help


You have realized the value of working with a virtual assistant, and are now ready to hire your first. Excellent! You are making a great investment in your business. However, it is worth noting that there are many different types of virtual assistants (VAs). Depending on your needs, you have a variety of options regarding what you can hire them to do.

While it may seem overwhelming at first, this is excellent news! You could quite possibly have a whole staff of experienced VAs. This step would allow you to save on costs and time. However, before you hire your first VA from Latin America, it is worth knowing the different types of virtual assistants available for service. So, take a look at our list of the different types of VAs you can add to your team.

 Administrative Virtual Assistants

 There are a few different types of virtual assistants, and this is the most general VA group. They will handle a variety of administrative and daily tasks for your business. This could include projects like data entry, answering emails, writing documents, setting up meetings, or managing your calendar. Administrative VAs are great for handling tasks that do not require much training. So, if you need someone to specialize in a specific part of your business, these individuals are likely not the best choice.

 Social Media and Marketing Management Virtual Assistants

 If you need someone to handle your social media marketing postings and logistics, these types of virtual assistants are the best option. While you will still likely handle the overall marketing strategy (or hire someone to do this for you), social media and marketing VAs can handle everything else. They can work with you to create content calendars to ensure posts are made throughout the week. These individuals can also interact with customers on social media and research relevant content. They are adept at helping you extend your social media and marketing reach.

 Account and Bookkeeping Virtual Assistant

 According to SCORE, 40 percent of business owners say bookkeeping and taxes are the worst part of owning a business. If you are in this percentage, why not hire an accounting VA? Fortunately, these types of virtual assistants are professionals who will take care of your budgeting, year-end bookkeeping, payroll, cash flow projections, and account reconciliations. They can take the pressure out of managing your accounting records. You can make life even more comfortable by hiring a VA that is adept at using a user-friendly accounting app. This step would allow you to work together to track your finances efficiently.

 Technical Virtual Assistant

 How many times have you spent the better part of a day dealing with software installation or working with the technical side of email marketing? It can be challenging and time-consuming. So, instead of watching that YouTube video to learn what to do, hire a technical VA. You have a lot to deal with as a business owner botulinum toxin san diego, and you don’t always have the time to learn technical skills on-the-spot. These types of virtual assistants are experienced in software development, and IT. Whether you need to re-install your operating system, or need to create a site map for a web designer, a technical VA is worth a look.

 Web Developer or Design Assistant

 So, it is time to create a website or update an old one. While there are a lot of DIY tools out there, your efforts could be better spent elsewhere. Unless you have experience with web development, there is going to be a learning curve. So, instead of having to look at multiple WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace tutorials, hire a professional that can handle the design and customization of your website.  Specifically, a web development VA can design your site, upload content, download plug-ins, and manage any maintenance. They can also help to ensure your website is user-friendly and optimized for SEO.

 Content Writing Virtual Assistant

 According to the Content Marketing Institute, small businesses with blogs receive 126 percent more lead growth than those who don’t. So, content creation in the form of blogs and articles is essential to connecting with target audiences. Unfortunately, being the face of your company may not give you the time to handle this. A content marketing VA is a perfect solution to this problem. They can write blog content, create case studies and white papers, interview individuals for articles, and help with print content verbiage. These individuals can also help to ensure your content is SEO-friendly.

 E-Commerce Virtual Assistant

 A lot can go into running an online store. There is a variety of moving parts, and it can be challenging to manage them all. An e-commerce VA can take care of high-level strategy as well as associated administrative tasks. For example, they can handle transactions, manage inventory, write product descriptions, take photos of products, and even handle returns. These professionals can also work with you to ensure that your e-commerce page has a higher likelihood of being found on Google. An online store can be just as much work as a physical location. Both need “store managers,” and an e-commerce VA can act like this for your online store.

 Project Management Virtual Assistant

 Do you manage a team that works on projects for clients?  Instead of day-to-day tasks, are you handling long-term technical or communication projects? If so, it may make sense to have an extra set of eyes and ears. A project management virtual assistant can help you oversee the progress of projects. They can work to manage teams, facilitate communication between team members, and schedule meetings for project updates. These individuals can allow you to oversee the project development at a higher level.

 Copywriting Virtual Assistant

 While it may be tempting to categorize these types of virtual assistants under content writing, they serve another purpose. Content writers create written material for consumption. However, copywriters write sales content to spur conversions. These individuals can produce sales copy, webpage copy, and page headlines to encourage customers to buy. Their ultimate goal is to persuade customers to purchase your product or service. Much like their content writing counterparts, copywriters will also be well-versed in SEO and keyword usage. Putting together the best combination of words to inform customers of what you have can be daunting. A copywriter VA can accomplish these important tasks for you.

 Personal Virtual Assistant

 This one is similar to an administrative or general VA. However, they are taking care of personal tasks instead of general administrative duties. For example, a personal VA could schedule individual appointments, send “thank you” notes on your behalf, answer calls, secure ridesharing transportation, or even help with household management. There are certain legal limitations regarding what personal VAs can do. However, there are many options regarding how you can utilize them. So, if non-work tasks are getting in the way of running your business, see how a personal VA can help. They can surely make life easier.

 Real Estate Virtual Assistant

 According to a survey from Placester Real Estate Marketing Academy, almost half of agents work 40 hours or more a week. So, to say that the life of a real estate agent is busy is an understatement. From marketing to showing homes, today’s real estate agents have their work cut out for them. This is one reason why a real estate VA is an excellent option for realtors. Real estate VAs can handle administrative tasks, manage customer databases, help with prospecting, research properties, and update listings. There are many nuances involved in maintaining a real estate business. Hiring a real estate virtual assistant can give you the time to focus on your business needs.

 Graphic Design Virtual Assistant

 If you own a marketing agency or have a regular need for content, a graphic design VA is a worthwhile investment. Whether you are creating a case study, blog article, or infographic, eye-catching visuals are essential. Instead of contracting a firm or hiring someone full-time a graphic design VA can produce visual materials on an as-needed basis. So, whether you need a social media graphic or an email banner, a graphic design VA can quickly and affordably produce these materials when you need them.

 Final Thoughts On The Different Types Of Virtual Assistants

 The expansion of freelancing platforms and increasing familiarity with contractor work has made VAs popular. With that said, there are a few different types of virtual assistants, and it can be a tad confusing as to the role of each. As of 2017, there were approximately 110,000 VAs offering services across four popular freelancing platforms. So, the role of the VA is undoubtedly on the rise.

Many VAs from Latin America have experience in other industries and can bring those skills to their career as a VA. 

While you may not be in the position to hire more than one, see what your most urgent needs are. This method will allow you to select a VA that can make the most impact. Even working with a single type of VA can free up your time to focus on the most significant aspects of your business.



As the CEO and spokesperson for Pros Marketplace, my role involves connecting Latin American professionals with remote job opportunities worldwide. Anyone can create an account, apply for jobs, and secure employment without any charges. With 30 years of corporate experience, I am committed to carrying my son's legacy forward by contributing to progress and innovation in our society. A portion of our earnings goes towards organizations supporting spinal cord injuries to make the world a better place for all of us. Let's connect and become part of the Pros Marketplace family.
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