How to Hire a Full-Time Remote Designer from Latin or Central America


Is the visual identity and branding of your company important to your overall marketing strategy? Is a remote designer necessary? How much does the design of a website impact your overall view of it?

Whether you realize it or not, the logo, page colors, and overall look of a website are crucial to having a successful business. An infographic from Micro Creatives, a creative design agency, revealed that 61 percent of marketers claim that visuals are integral to successful marketing.

Are they right?

Check out these additional stats from the infographic:

People retain 65 percent of the information they view from three days after they are presented with an image. Ninety-four percent of users will leave a website if it has a poor graphic design.

Blog articles with more images get two times more social media shares than articles with fewer images.

We are hardwired to pay attention to physically appealing graphics. So, the job of a graphic designer is a crucial component of creating a well-rounded marketing strategy. However, a professional designer can put a dent in your pocket.

Fortunately, you can get around this by hiring a full-time remote designer from Latin America to join your team. From saving money to having someone dedicated to working on your visual identity treatment centers, there are benefits to hiring a remote designer. Still not convinced? Take a look at the reasons listed below on how a remote designer from Latin America can best complement your marketing strategy. 

Still not convinced?

Take a look at these reasons why a remote designer from Latin America can best complement your marketing strategy.

The Benefits of Hiring a Remote Designer

You get a dedicated full-time employee for 40+ hours/week. You get to decide what they do with those hours. Whereas, freelancers, may have other projects that have a higher priority for other employers.

And with a remote designer, they have a fixed rate of pay regardless of the tasks that you assign them.

It also makes sense because if you own a web development and design agency and your skill set lies more on conceptualizing web development projects, overall planning, and communicating with clients while your strengths are not in design or coding, you may realize that you might need a full-time remote developer or remote designer to compensate where there are weaknesses.

Have Someone Dedicated to Your Visual Identity

Instead of spending time researching visual identity best practices, you can hire someone to handle this. A remote designer will have the experience and knowledge to develop a visual brand strategy. From logos to brochures and everything in between, a remote designer can create a visual look that aligns with your business goals. Consumers want to feel engaged and excited about your brand. Hiring a remote designer can take this task off your hands.

A Remote Designer Can Handle All Your Design Needs

Maybe you don’t need a full website designed. However, your social media or blog posts could use some eye-catching graphics. A remote designer can take on the daily task of creating attractive graphics. Micro Creatives infographic revealed that a web user’s attention span is 6.8 seconds. Your social media posts and blogs are content that you will likely produce every day. So, you are going to need a daily rotation of attractive graphics to capture your audience’s attention. A remote designer can assist with this.

Collaborate Without Having to Physically Meet

High-speed internet and platforms like our own make it easy to connect with remote designers. The work environment of the past emphasizes in-office collaboration. Today, a remote designer is available regardless of geographic limitations. Whether you are in the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia, you can hire a talented remote designer from Latin America. There is flexibility regarding how you communicate, collaborate, and delegate tasks.

Their Help Can Spread to Other Areas

Your visual identity can shape your approach to other parts of your business. For instance, a new logo can tie your social media account, website, and business cards together. This cohesiveness adds credibility to your brand as everything is under one visual aesthetic. Also, many remote designers are experienced in brand identity design services. They can help you write about and discuss your brand in a way that coincides with your visual identity.

It is not hard to see how a remote designer can help improve your business. The cost savings and expertise can go a long way in reaching your target audience. Now, you have an idea of what they can do. Let’s take a look at a strategy for attracting the best remote design talent.

How to Hire an Experienced Remote Designer

Decide on What You Need

Before you begin to search for a remote designer, take a look at your needs. This method can help you establish a budget and the qualifications you need. For example, if a design firm has already handled your logo, you might only need daily graphics help. So, instead of hiring a remote designer with years of experience, you may be able to save some money by hiring an intern designer.

Be Clear About What You are Looking For

Now that you know what you need, you can quickly put together a job description. Within it, be sure to include the following:

  • Preferred years of experience.
  • The qualifications you are seeking.
  • The design help you need.
  • Information about your company’s brand and vision.
  • A brief description of expectations (ex. Times they should be available, or hours of work they can expect every week).

Be as clear as possible about the type of remote designer you need. This tactic will help you weed out those who may not be the best fit.

Specify the Tools You Prefer

Hiring a remote designer does require some work on the front end. You must determine the programs you need for them to use when working with you. For example, for your daily blog and social media graphics, you may want to have them use Canva, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator.

You must inform potential remote designers of the programs needed. This practice enables you to find someone skilled in your preferred program. The same can be said for communication and project management programs and applications.

Have a Salary Offer in Mind, But Be Flexible

It helps to already have a budget in mind for how much you want to spend. This method gives a great starting point for negotiation. However, it is crucial to be flexible. Hopefully, you can come to a mutually beneficial salary that works for you both.

Always Check Portfolios

The best way to know a remote designer is a good fit is to take a look at their portfolio. You can easily see if their work is a fit for your brand. You can also create questions related to their past projects. Many designers will include testimonials and companies they have worked with. Take a look at these and reach out if you feel inclined. You can get a feel for their work, and also talk to someone who can speak to their work ethic.

Conduct Multiple Interviews

Sometimes, one interview is not enough. Having multiple types of communication with a potential candidate is helpful. A quick phone interview can help you connect with numerous candidates. It also allows you to quickly weed out remote designers who may not be a fit. From there you can pick three to five top candidates for a video interview. At that point, you can pick up on visual cues that enable you to decide if this person is the best candidate for the job.

Ask Scenario-Based Questions

Have they ever used Canva, Adobe Photoshop, or Illustrator? If so, what did they use it for? These are the types of questions you need to ask. Look at all your needs and expectations, and turn them into questions. You can then go down your list of needs to see if a remote designer meets them. It also allows you to compare a remote designer to others you have interviewed.

Offer Up a Paid Project

Offering a paid trial project works great for hiring a remote designer. You can get a feel for their skills and work ethic in real time. It also ensures they are not wasting their time as they will be paid regardless. They will be motivated to give it their best. So, a funded trial project is a win-win for everyone involved.

Final Thoughts

Hiring a remote designer can feel like an overwhelming process. However, it doesn’t have to be. A VA taking on the role of a remote designer can be just what you need. Not only can you save on costs, but you are hiring someone who is dedicated to furthering your brand. Take a look at your company to see what your visual identity needs are. From there, you can find a skilled remote designer from Latin America who is perfect for your brand.



As the CEO and spokesperson for Pros Marketplace, my role involves connecting Latin American professionals with remote job opportunities worldwide. Anyone can create an account, apply for jobs, and secure employment without any charges. With 30 years of corporate experience, I am committed to carrying my son's legacy forward by contributing to progress and innovation in our society. A portion of our earnings goes towards organizations supporting spinal cord injuries to make the world a better place for all of us. Let's connect and become part of the Pros Marketplace family.
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