Good Skills To Add To Your Resume


Skill sets are a major factor in an employer’s decision to hire you. And, while many candidates think they know how and what to mention in their skill sets, it’s not usually the case.

What most of them do is, jot down the general skill sets in their industry and expect the employer to shortlist their application, which backfires in most cases. So how do you conclude if a particular skill set is even relevant to your job profile or not?

In this blog, we will explore all the best skills that you can add to your resume to enhance its appeal as well as boost your chances of being hired.

why skillsets are important

Good Skills To Include In Resume

A good resume always has the correct balance of hard skills and soft skills. While the former helps the employer understand your technical expertise, the latter mentions the way you go about your professional life in general. Moreover, while every industry has its requirements concerning skill sets, the basics are the same in almost every sector.

Let’s dive deep into these requirements:


Problem-solving ability is one very vital skill in demand right now. With increasing data and work processes, companies want people who can solve complex problems with a calm mindset. By mentioning problem-solving as a key skill, you are demonstrating your ability to solve problems by developing effective solutions to the challenges that arise.

For example, if you are applying for the job of a project manager, sometimes you might find unexpected delays and as an individual with strong problem-solving skills, your company will expect you to help in the change of timelines and the reallocation of resources to keep the flow of the project going. Make sure to mention some instances of your problem-solving capabilities during your interview process as well. It will only increase your chances of getting hired.

Data Analysis

We’re living in a data-driven world. Whether it is massive corporations or small startups, organizations are dependent on data to make informed choices. Data Analysis is therefore a must-have skill set, especially if you are applying for positions like business analyst, financial analyst, and even marketing specialist. Sub-skills like brainstorming, detecting regular patterns, and theorizing and interpreting new information easily are something that you can include as well. This will not only enhance your resume’s appeal but also tell the hiring manager your core expertise.


When we talk about creativity as a skill to add to your resume, it’s not just related to one aspect. Being creative in a professional environment means that you can be smart with your work processes. This also suggests that you can bring expertise to the table. For instance, creativity can help a marketing manager be smart with campaigns and strike a chord with audiences. You can easily place this as your talent in different jobs like graphics designing, content writing, or even project management.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to reflect on complex situations, think about the process, and make proper decisions. In a fast-paced working environment, companies seek candidates who can solve problems with a calm mind and in a strategic manner. That is why mentioning it as an important part of the job would be great when applying for the position of a business analyst, project manager, or marketing specialist. Jobs in finance and consultancy also require critical thinking in the development of strategies to make appropriate use of resources and improve performance.


Leadership is the ability to guide other people to pursue a certain direction and help them achieve desired goals as a team.  It becomes an important skill to add to your resume because it shows that you can motivate others toward common goals. It is through good leadership skills that one can manage teams, work out conflicts, and make strategic decisions to succeed.

It is extremely essential in fields such as project management, where you lead teams that would execute a project in time and within the budget set out; marketing manager, whose job is to guide creative teams in developing relevant and impactful messages; and sales manager, whose leadership skills are crucial in motivating sales teams to achieve the targets. Feel free to learn leadership skills from every experience and also include it in your resume.

Interpersonal Communication

Working in any sector requires daily and consistent communication. If not handled properly this can lead to instances of miscommunications, project delays, and even arguments. No organization wants an individual who cannot communicate and maintain healthy conversations, especially in a professional environment. Moreover, if you are applying for the position of a team lead or project manager, you need to have good communication skills to effectively manage a team. This will also encourage constructive feedback, easy conflict resolution, and career advancements.

How to Decide Relevant Skillets for Your Resume?

How to Decide Relevant Skillets for Your Resume

Adding relevant skills to your resume is a tricky but not impossible task. The majority of the companies have now automated the application process. Therefore, it is mandatory to proofread your resume thoroughly before hitting the send button.

What you can do is customize your resume as per the job requirements. This will increase your chances of getting past the ATS filters. You can also list relevant skills directly related to the job you are applying to. This will inform the recruiter that you are on the same page regarding the requirements of the position. Make sure to put some examples of how you have successfully employed these skills in past experiences and under what context.  Also, networking and getting some feedback from professionals in your industry can help to know which skills are most valued for the company. Lastly,  ensure that your resume is precise and well written, do spell checks, and ensure that the format is as per industry standards.


In a market that is flooded with a wide range of skill sets, deciding the right mixture of relevant skills that match your job profile can be a bit tricky. But, with the right approach and guidance, you can not only add relevant skills but also pass the ATS filters as well. You can prove your relevance by carefully reviewing the job description against key skills and placing these in your resume to satisfy the selected industries’ demands. This will be further supported through the courses and certifications mentioned in your resume.  Finally, it is important to understand that a resume is not a list of what the person can do but rather tells a good story of how that expertise could add value to possible employers. A good combination of skills and the right attitude will secure you opportunities in the job market.

Also Read: Top Soft and Hard Skills for your Resume



As the CEO and spokesperson for Pros Marketplace, my role involves connecting Latin American professionals with remote job opportunities worldwide. Anyone can create an account, apply for jobs, and secure employment without any charges. With 30 years of corporate experience, I am committed to carrying my son's legacy forward by contributing to progress and innovation in our society. A portion of our earnings goes towards organizations supporting spinal cord injuries to make the world a better place for all of us. Let's connect and become part of the Pros Marketplace family.
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