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Good Skills To Add To Your Resume

Skill sets are a major factor in an employer’s decision to hire you. And, while many candidates think they know how and what to mention in their skill sets, it’s not usually the case. What most of them do is, jot down the general skill sets in their industry and expect the employer to shortlist […]

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          Questions to ask from a Virtual Assistant

          The Virtual Assistant industry is projected to reach $20 billion by 2024. That is because more and more businesses are now hiring virtual assistants to streamline their operations. So it becomes important to ask the right interview questions for virtual assistant Virtual Assistants work as an extended team, automating repetitive tasks and saving valuable time […]

          Why Should You Use Video During the Recruitment Process?

          If you are planning on hiring a Virtual Assistant, using video during the recruitment process is essential. Video offers several benefits over the traditional hiring process methods. So, why use video during the recruitment process? Also, how should you go about incorporating it into the entire process? Read on for our takeaways and insights… So, […]

          9 Steps to Writing a Job Description that Attracts the Best Candidates

          If you are looking to hire full or part-time employees to join your remote team and you are starting to jot down your job description, remember that attracting quality candidates starts with a stellar job posting. Writing a job posting is a lot like marketing your business. In both cases, you are trying to reach […]

          Employer News

          Contract to Hire vs. Direct Hire: Which Hiring Strategy Suits Your Business Best?
          Contract to Hire vs. Direct Hire: Which Hiring Strategy Suits Your Business Best?

          Finding the right talent can become tricky as your business scales up. When the need for qualified professionals increases, the big companies compete for the best. That is why an organization has to adopt a successful hiring strategy that aligns with its long-term goals and the work environment. The two most common ways of hiring […]

          How to Build a Team: A Guide to Success
          How to Build a Team: A Guide to Success

          Behind every successful company stands a team of committed people working towards a common goal. You might be either thinking of a new business or scaling up the already existing one.  Building up a solid team is important. But how? How can you build a team that not only works well together but drives success? […]

          How much does it Cost to Build a Website?
          How much does it Cost to Build a Website?

          Building a website has become a necessity for every business. With increasing internet usage for information, shopping, and services, being online seems no longer optional. Therefore, it is common to wonder: how much it will cost to build a website. The answer is far from straightforward because the price can vary significantly depending on several […]


          How to Effectively Onboard Your Virtual Assistant

          So, you’ve found what seems to be the ideal Virtual Assistant. Now you can just hand the work over, sit back and relax, right? Wrong! This is where the work begins, at least for some time until you get your new Virtual Assistant adequately trained. That’s because a Virtual Assistant needs to be trained in […]

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          7 Common Mistakes when Hiring a Virtual Assistant

          So, you’ve made the wise decision to hire your first remote worker. Perhaps you have finally realized you should hand over many of your time-consuming daily tasks to a Virtual Assistant (VA). Now you’re looking at having a well-qualified remote worker join your team for an affordable monthly salary. However, taking this step does not […]

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          How to Screen a Potential Candidate Using Social Media

          Since platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter came on the scene, there has been a growing debate over how “involved” employers should become with their workers on social media. Is it a breach of privacy? Should employees be held accountable for what they post? How much should employers interact with employees on these platforms? These […]

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