Is My Employee Working? How to Monitor Your VA


Trusting your employees can be tough. Whether you’re hiring remote or in-office employees, you have to figure out whether the person you are hiring is honest and trustworthy. This is a common concern for employers, especially with remote workers. More than half of employers do employee monitoring of their remote employees to monitor whether they are sick or whether they are using social media at work. This can create an environment where no one trusts each other and is very damaging to how your business operates.

One of the keys here is that if you give trust, you will get trust. Employees who feel trusted by their employers perform better at work and frequently rise above their employer’s expectations.

There’s no reason to be worried about your remote worker. At least not any more than you would be with a regular employee. Don’t feel like you have to rush into giving your new employees major tasks when you don’t know if you can trust them yet. The entire process can take time but is pretty similar to building trust with regular employees, so try not to overthink it too much.

How do I know my worker is working and avoid employee monitoring?

Since your remote employee is outside of the office, tracking their work can be a scary thought. This is a common concern for people hiring remote workers. You are left to wonder if they are doing the work you need them to do or if they are spending their work days on social media. Fortunately, you can make sure your remote employee is working for you even if they are not in the office. Follow the steps below and you won’t have to worry about employee monitoring! 

One of the best ways to track your employee is by having them send you daily reports each day. Daily reports are helpful because they give you a clear idea of how productive your employee is on a daily basis. You can see what tasks they have completed and can spot declines in their work productivity over time.

Sending emails back and forth is an excellent way to track your employee. A “daily email” is sent at the beginning of your employee’s workday. This email contains all the tasks that you expect them to finish for the day. Then, at the end of the day, they can send an update email that details all the tasks that they completed This lets you see what they are doing each day and how effectively they’re working.

You can also track employees by regularly communicating with them through Skype or project management systems, like Basecamp.

Basecamp is a great platform that will help you track your workers’ activity as it shows you the most recent activity from your workers and sends you relevant notifications about their tasks, so it’s easier to track their work during the day.

There are time trackers you can use, like Hubstaff. These time trackers take screenshots of a worker’s computer screen and monitor mouse and keyboard activity and click so you know exactly when your employee is working or not.

Always remember that you can’t just hire someone and leave them alone to do their work. Like a regular in-office employee, they need to be managed appropriately to make sure they are working at peak capacity.



As the CEO and spokesperson for Pros Marketplace, my role involves connecting Latin American professionals with remote job opportunities worldwide. Anyone can create an account, apply for jobs, and secure employment without any charges. With 30 years of corporate experience, I am committed to carrying my son's legacy forward by contributing to progress and innovation in our society. A portion of our earnings goes towards organizations supporting spinal cord injuries to make the world a better place for all of us. Let's connect and become part of the Pros Marketplace family.
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