If you’re serious about growing your business, but the cost of hiring designers is a real concern, then we have the answer. Did you know you can hire a professional remote web developer and a remote web designer from Latin America for a very reasonable salary? This is especially true when compared to salaries in […]
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Antes de contratar a tu próximo empleado, puede que dar un vistazo a las redes sociales del candidato arrojen luz a tu decisión. A través de ellas puedes tener una mejor idea de quien es esta persona. Y así saber si encajará en tu negocio o no. La ética de valerse de las redes sociales […]
- Training
Since platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter came on the scene, there has been a growing debate over how “involved” employers should become with their workers on social media. Is it a breach of privacy? Should employees be held accountable for what they post? How much should employers interact with employees on these platforms? These […]
- Training
¿Ya contrataste a tu primer trabajador remoto? Sí la respuesta es un sí… Entonces, ¡Felicidades! haz tomado una sabia decisión. Contratar un asistente virtual puede ser difícil. Te contamos cuales pueden ser los 7 errores comunes al contratar un asistente virtual para que los evites . Quizás por fin te diste cuenta que tenías […]
- Training
So, you’ve made the wise decision to hire your first remote worker. Perhaps you have finally realized you should hand over many of your time-consuming daily tasks to a Virtual Assistant (VA). Now you’re looking at having a well-qualified remote worker join your team for an affordable monthly salary. However, taking this step does not […]
- Training
Por fin encontraste el que parece ser el asistente virtual remoto ideal. Ahora piensas que puedes entregar el trabajo, sentarte y relajarte, ¿verdad? ¡Equivocado! Antes de ello, debes integrar tu asistente virtual a tu negocio. De hecho, aquí es donde comienza el verdadero trabajo, al menos durante algún tiempo hasta que el nuevo asistente virtual […]
- Training
So, you’ve found what seems to be the ideal Virtual Assistant. Now you can just hand the work over, sit back and relax, right? Wrong! This is where the work begins, at least for some time until you get your new Virtual Assistant adequately trained. That’s because a Virtual Assistant needs to be trained in […]
- Training
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