¿Qué es Pros Marketplace para empleadores?

Somos un sitio web que conecta a empresarios y empresas como tú con trabajadores remotos a tiempo completo y parcial de toda Latino América. Para nosotros, los “trabajadores remotos contratados permanentemente a tiempo completo y a tiempo parcial” son y trabajan exactamente como los empleados que podrían encontrar en una […]

Is your site only for LATAM remote workers?

At the moment, yes. We know that there are plenty of countries with people looking for better remote employment opportunities, but we started Pros Marketplace to help Latin Americans find stable and permanent remote job opportunities and we’ll continue to work with them exclusively for the foreseeable future.

Am I able to work non-standard business hours?

We leave that up to you and your employer! In addition to discussing how many hours you’ll work each week, talk to your employer about when you’re available to work. In many situations, employers will prefer you work between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm to ensure you’re available when they’re […]

Do I need to do a job interview?

In some form, yes! The employers that post jobs and hire workers through our site have companies in various industries and of various sizes, so the process may be more or less formal than you’re used to. However, there isn’t a job in the world (that we can think of, […]

What if I’m already employed?

Many remote workers that sign up with us are already employed at local companies and have joined our site to find a job that is remote, pays more, and you could be one of them! However, if you’re only looking for part-time work, that’s fine too. Just make sure you’re […]