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Andrea R.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

Marketing and customer experience specialist with 4 years of experience

I can work as a
  • Sales And Marketing
  • Content Creator
  • Customer Support
Full Time
Dollar icon $700 /Month

I accept:
    • PayPal
    • Wire Transfer

This profile has been successfully verified with Linkedin
Andrea is a night Owl and wants to work during America/Mexico_City Time

About me

    Graduated in Communication & Marketing. I have an international certification from the Global University of Florida in Customer Experience: Design & Management



6 years of experience leading communication strategies, public relations, digital communication, b2b and b2c marketing

Customer Service & Admin Support

Email Support
( )
4 of 5
Customer Support
5 of 5
Data Entry
( )
4 of 5
( )
( )
3 of 5
Phone Support
( )
4 of 5
5 of 5
Admin Support
( )
4 of 5
Email Management
( )
4 of 5
Customer Service
5 of 5
Photo Editing
( )
4 of 5
Market & Product Research
5 of 5
( )
( )
3 of 5


2010 - 2015
Universidad de Piura

Degree in Communication with a specialty in Communications & Marketing

2022 - 2022
Global University of Florida

Certification in Customer Experience Design & Management

2018 - 2019
Universidad de Piura

Diploma in Corporate Communication and Sustainable Development

2022 - 2022

Certification in Content Marketing & Growth Marketing



Overall skills: Intermediate
Written Level: Intermediate
Spoken Level: Intermediate


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I love to read and travel a lot. My work is my passion and I love working remotely. I am currently looking for a job that allows me to do what I like, measuring myself by my results.

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