Quality Assurance Engineer/Testing web,mobile apps/ API testing/ Java Developer
I started as a manual tester performing test cases, bug hunting, and applying testing techniques in software. In my last years of experience, I carried out automation testing using Java, Selenium WebDriver,... More
Tuve la experiencia de aplicar técnicas de prueba y detectar posibles errores para el usuario final, cumpliendo con los requisitos del cliente y entregando un producto estable, funcional y fácil de us
I had the role of mid Quaility Assurance Engineer, performing bug hunting, testing techniques and improving the test methods and procedures to report, evaluate and test the project that i was working
I had the role of Quality Assurance Engineer II working on API testing, Manual testing on different types of projects focused on Web and Mobile applications, improving and leading the client's goals
I started to work as a Quality Assurance Engineer junior, doing manual testing to outsorcing projects focused on web applications and applying test techniques.
I've studied System Engineering and i had the exerience to develop different types of projects and mobile applications in college
Building LEGOs and create content on social media, Gym Workout, Learn new technologies focused on my career