Industrial Engineer, Specialist in Business Administration and Master in HR
As a professional I have worked in the largest companies in Colombia, in quality issues, process improvement, planning and project management, design of efficient organizations, management of individual and... More
As an administrator I have handled financial statements, cash flows and budgets
Design and execution the HR and cultural transformation strategy of the Vice-presidency of Oil Fields Development, Vice-presidency of Projects and Engineering, and Vice-presidency of Compliance.
Responsible for designing and implementing strategies to recruit the best human talent required by the organization, with a team in charge of more than 10 coworkers nationwide.
Responsible for Lead and implement the personnel development strategy for the Vice Presidencies of oil exploration and production with more than 2,500 people and a budget of US$2 million
Design and implement a leadership model of the company and design the management succession process, promoting the development of leadership skills for personnel with high potential.
I am finishing a master's degree in Coaching and Leadership, which allows me to help people and leaders develop their skills and achieve the best version of themselves
Study a Master in Human Resources to strengthen my work experience with HR best practices globally.
Study in one of the 5 best Universities in Colombia a specialization in business administration, in order to be more integral professionally and look for new job opportunities.
I studied Industrial Engineering at the best university in the country at the time, taking into account my mathematical skills and information analysis.
In the company that worked we were certified in agile and scrum master models in order to improve the effectiveness of the projects in charge.
Certified with Coach under ICF model
Listen and help people with coaching processes, going to the movies, riding bicycles, walking in the countryside, traveling and getting to know new cultures.
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