I’ve been working for 13 years in a Digital Marketing company as a bookkeeper.
I’m in charge of the Cash flow, calls and organize the payments with the other companies. I create the payment proposals and have meeting with the coachs about the best way to complete the payments.
I started in customer service for 1 year, and then I got a promotion to payroll and I learned everything about the paychecks and currently I’m in Billing representative.
I started in customer service for 1 year, and then I got a promotion to payroll and I learned everything about the paychecks and currently I’m in Bookkeeper
I graduated as a flight attendant and I studied anthropology but I did not complete the career.
First steps and functions in PowerBi
I studied Power BI , and Data Analytics (currently in a course). I love swimming, yoga, cook, study languages and learn new habilites .