I am a Spanish - English - Italian translator
I am a fourteen years’ experienced translator, graduated in one of the best Universities in Venezuela. During these years I have acquired experience as a Product Manager, Translator, Executive Assistant and... More
My most representative function, is to work as a bridge between them, in order to help our clients los solve their technical problems in a fast and long-lasting way
I offered high-level translations for companies and people according to their specific requests. I also worked as a language consultant in English or Spanish language editing.
Interviewing, selecting and evaluating inexperienced translators. Determine their skills, Calculating translations´ delivery times. meetings with possible clients.
Organizing meetings among project directors and engineers, project expenses control, representing the project interests in front of service providers, planning projects’ monthly budget, documents tran
I got the Modern Languages Specialist Degree - Translation (English – Italian)
I love new challenges, travelling, meeting new people of different cultures. I think, that knowing and accepting our differences, is what makes us people of the world.
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