Computer Science Degree
I have specialty in the Systems Development area, I have intermediate knowledge in VB.NET, in ASP.NET CORE MVC, with Entity Framework 5 and API RESTFULL web services; management of programming languages such as... More
Billing and Inventory Control Software, Purchasing and supplier control, with the use at the level of branches and Web servers; Developed in Desktop mode with VB.NET and MySQL Server
Responsive website development, with Bootstrap, JQuery, Css3 and Landing Web Page technologies
Inventory control software, billing, purchases and suppliers, developer with PHP, MySQL, JQuery, Angularjs, Bootstrap
Computer Systems Engineering Technician
Online course, about the develop of JavaScript
Online course, about the Database administration in MySQL
Develop of web applications in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript
I like play the guitar, play Basketball; I like learn new technologies about develop area, I like be a content creator