I am mainly a backend developer using PHP and Laravel 10, using as front Vue js
I studied at the Pedro Ruiz Gallo University, where I graduated with a degree in computer and computer engineering, which allowed me to work for the municipality of my district developing a national system to speed... More
In the skills marked as the most outstanding I have developed systems that were deployed and tested, for the intermediate ones they were university projects
I developed the national PIDE system where the search for information from citizens in different public entities was expedited, such as minutes of real estate or movable possessions, etc
Develop project system for people who want to offer repair, cleaning, maintenance services, etc. Where it was possible to offer the cost of the service called ServiTrapp
I studied Computer and Computer Engineering at the Pedro Ruiz Gallo University, where I studied the 5 years of the career, where I not only acquired knowledge at the same university, but while studying I gained work experience previously referred to
My main hobby is reading about astrophysics and philosophy, sometimes I like to teach English in my old primary school