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Silvia R.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

Industrial Eng. supply chain, negotiation, planning, customer services, proyects

I can work as a
  • Admin Support
  • Customer Support
  • Copywriter
Part Time
Dollar icon $1000 /Month

I accept:
    • PayPal

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Silvia is a night Owl and can work anytime

About me

    Industrial Eng, w/ Postgrade in International Business, Master Business Coach with PNL, Scrum Master experienced in planning, purchasing, negotiation, proyects, customer services, supply chain, coaching



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Assertive communication, negotiation and persuasion

5 of 5


Company logo
2007 - 2009
US Airways
Customer services operator

Customer services, employees customer services and baggage claim customer services

Company logo
2010 - 2015
Avianca Airlines
Repair Negotiator

Repair order creator, negotiation with vendors, inventory controller, saving proyects, solve quality discrepancies with vendors, maintenance contract accomplishment responsable

Company logo
2022 - 2022
Supply chain specialist

Demand Planning, Raw material purchasing, work order creator, inventory controller, freight cost responsable, search for new vendors, saving proyects responsable

Company logo
2020 - 2021
Laboratorios Suizos
Planning Chief

Demand Planning, Production planning and work order creator, purchasing planning, inventory controller, saving proyects


2015 - 2016

Postgrade in International business

2007 - 2012
Universidad Dr Jose Matias Delgado

Industrial Engineer Ranked among the highest rating Thesis of the academic year 2012

Certifications & Courses

2021 - 2021
Master Scrum

Master Scrum and Scrum fundamentals certification

2021 - 2021
Master Coach PNL

Master Coach and Business Coach with PNL certification



Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    Cooking mostly healthy desserts, reading or audio books when driving, travel to know new places, crossfit begginer

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