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Yanexis R.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

I'm a virtual assistant, and my job is to ease the workload of your company.

I can work as a
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Customer Support
  • Sales And Marketing
Part Time
Dollar icon $400 /Month

I accept:
    • Wire Transfer
    • PayPal
    • +1

This profile has not been verified yet
Yanexis is a morning Bird and wants to work during America/Caracas Time

About me

    As a virtual assistant, I've worked with wholesale and retail companies, marketing and advertising, fast food, and fashion. I've held various roles in such companies, which have helped me throughout my profession.... More


Customer Service & Admin Support

I've worked in customer service in person and online. I am very good and efficient, I remain calm in situations of tension and stress. I go along with the client on his journey through the company.

Email Support
5 of 5
Customer Support
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4 of 5
Data Entry
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3 of 5
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4 of 5
Phone Support
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4 of 5
5 of 5
Admin Support
5 of 5
Email Management
5 of 5
Customer Service
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4 of 5
Photo Editing
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3 of 5
Market & Product Research
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3 of 5
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2 of 5


2018 - 2022
Universidad Arturo Michelena

During my university career, I've learned and practiced from journalism and all its branches, to advertising and PR, cinema, event organization, social psychology, among others. It is a practical and outgoing career, where a critical eye is developed on humanity and the media it uses to communicate with its environment.

2017 - 2019
Arte y Efectos Producciones

I learned about writing and cinema, also about the tools we can use to produce our own material without being part of a multi-million dollar agency. I developed creative skills, and task prioritization, and learned how to use some of the most requested design programs on the market.

Certifications & Courses

2017 - 2017
Locución y oratoria

I took this course with the intention of improving my communication skills with others and I´m satisfied with it. They not only taught me techniques for spoken language, but they also provided me with tools to improve my body expression and speech, as well as understand my target audience.

2020 - 2020
Experto en Photoshop

A complete course with practical tasks to learn about this incredible work tool. Not only to edit images, but also to make gifs, and all the plugins and functions of this application.



Overall skills: Intermediate
Written Level: Intermediate
Spoken Level: Beginner


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I'm always inspired by wellness, nature, dance, and organization. Most times I enjoy customer support, I'm enthusiastic about working with others, whether helping them with their purchases or carrying out some... More


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