How much does it Cost to Build a Website?


Building a website has become a necessity for every business. With increasing internet usage for information, shopping, and services, being online seems no longer optional.

Therefore, it is common to wonder: how much it will cost to build a website. The answer is far from straightforward because the price can vary significantly depending on several factors.

In this blog, we will explain in great detail what dictates the cost of building a website, from simple to more advanced and feature-rich, so you get a pretty good idea of what to expect.

The Basics: What Do You Really Need?

First, it’s good to know what the basic parts are that every website would require. There will always be things a website needs whether it is just a simple blog or a fully-featured e-commerce platform. Components coming under this category include:

Domain Name: This is the address of your website on the internet (like that you will have to pay for annually. The cost will be around $10 to $50 yearly on average. However, when a domain name is comprised of a highly sought-after name, it may be higher.

Hosting: Hosting can be explained as renting an area for your website on the internet. It can cost a great deal, although it depends on the provider and the type of hosting you opt for from basic shared hosting, which is the cheapest and normally runs in the range of $3 to $10 per month, up to high-end options like dedicated hosting or cloud hosting, which cost a lot more.

Factors That Influence Website Costs

Factors that Affect Website Development Costs

Now, let’s take a look at the basic factors that determine how much it will cost to build a website. Each one of these affects the price.

Type of Website

Websites are not all built the same. A personal blog, a small business site, and a large e-commerce store will vary greatly in cost. Here is a quick breakdown:

Personal Blog: If it’s just to get started blogging, it will cost super low. Most minimalist websites barely cost anything and can be made out instantly on a site like WordPress.

Small Business Website: If it is for a small business, then it entirely depends on what their requirements would be and what their feature set might be. It will range from low, $1,000, up to $5,000 based on what the business wants. This would probably include a custom design, a few pages, and basic functionality.

E-commerce Website: If you want to sell through your website. You need advanced payment gateways, shopping carts, and advanced security measures. So, the price may go high, from $5,000 to $20,000, depending on the scale.

Customization and Functionality

Additional Services Affecting Website Development Costs

Another big factor is the level of customization you need. A website built from standard templates will cost much less than one that requires a unique design and layout. But again, customization doesn’t stop at the level of design. The functionality you need also counts.

Basic Functionality: Stuff like contact forms, image galleries, and simple navigation won’t add much to the cost.

Advanced Functionality: Advanced features, such as online booking systems, membership areas, or other interactive elements, demand more expense.

Content Creation: Content is the heart of your website. If you were to assign one style description to your site, you’d have to consider filling it with well-written text, images, and probably videos. If you did everything yourself in writing and photography, the cost would be much less. Creating content professionally also adds a great deal to your budget.

Copywriting may cost $50 to $300 per page and $50 to $1,000 per image for professional photography.

SEO and Marketing: SEO brings traffic to your website. You can hire an expert to help your site rank high on search engines, ranging from $500 to $5,000.

Design: It defines how your website looks. It could be free templates, which should keep the cost minimal, or you hire a professional designer who provides a unique look at an incredible cost.

For a very basic website, without much customization, expect the total to be around $200-$500 in the first year. You would be paying for the domain, hosting, and possibly a premium especially if you want something a bit more professional-looking than a free template.

DIY Vs Hiring a Professional

Professional VS No Code Website Builder Costs

FactorDIY Website BuildingHiring a Professional
Cost$200-$1,000 (excluding time)$3,000-$10,000 (average), $50,000+ (complex)
Time InvestmentSignificantMinimal
Skill RequirementBasic to intermediateAdvanced
CustomizationLimited (with templates)High
Quality and DesignVariableGenerally higher
MaintenanceRequires ongoing effortOften included in professional fees

The biggest decision for building a website is if you want to do it yourself or hire a professional. Both options have pros and cons. But this choice will greatly affect the cost and final quality of the result.

Building It Yourself

There are a few no-code-free website makers available, including but not limited to WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. These provide a relatively painless experience, with templates to mold your needs. Costs here are primarily your time, domain, hosting, and any advanced features you want to add. For a basic website, this can be fairly low in the range of $200 to $1,000.

Hiring a Professional

If you need something more polished and unique, then you probably want to go with a professional full-stack developer or agency. The only downside can be the cost: web developers charge varied prices depending on their skill level, but you can easily spend between $50 and $200 per hour. For an average small business website, you will find that cost ranges between $3,000 to $10,000. Complex sites cost more – $50,000 or more for an e-commerce platform.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates Costs

This is just the building of the website. Once it goes live, there are also costs throughout for its maintenance, updates, and possible future upgrades. These costs are very easy to overlook but are very important in securely maintaining your website, up-to-date, and running without glitches.

Software Updates

If your site runs on a content management system-CMS-software-which most popular websites do, including WordPress-you will need to keep that software, and any plugins you’ve installed, updated regularly. Sometimes updates are free; sometimes you’ll need to buy a new version of the plugin or theme.


Security is important, especially in e-commerce or any website where people would put their information; of course, they need an SSL certificate that encrypts the data. They can be as low as $10 to $200 a year, and for more comprehensive sites, they may want malware scanning-in, boosting further the cost.

Website Backup and Support

In that regard, the only way to ensure that your website could be restored in case of a crash or hack was through regular backup. While some hosting providers include backups in their service, others may charge for it. Also, if you want professional support for troubleshooting issues or making updates, it comes at a monthly cost. It may cost between $50-300 per month.


Determining how much it costs to build a website depends largely on your brand goals, needs, and project size. From the basics like domain names and hosting to more features like custom design, advanced features, and SEO, each element contributes to the overall cost. If you’re on a small budget, a simple DIY solution using web design can help you build an online presence for hundreds of dollars.

However, if your goal is to create a more polished, usable, and professional website, hiring a professional will add to the cost. Regular maintenance is just as important and adds to the cost. So make sure you carefully understand your needs to get a clear idea of how much it will cost you to build a website.



As the CEO and spokesperson for Pros Marketplace, my role involves connecting Latin American professionals with remote job opportunities worldwide. Anyone can create an account, apply for jobs, and secure employment without any charges. With 30 years of corporate experience, I am committed to carrying my son's legacy forward by contributing to progress and innovation in our society. A portion of our earnings goes towards organizations supporting spinal cord injuries to make the world a better place for all of us. Let's connect and become part of the Pros Marketplace family.
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