Hire Virtual Assistants

Find verified virtual assistants in Latin America effortlessly with Pros Marketplace. Our platform connects you with experienced professionals to meet your business needs.

Finding a virtual assistant is easy with Pros Marketplace. Begin by signing up as an employer, complete your profile details, pick a subscription plan, and then create your job postings - specifying the skills required and the salary you’re offering. You can view all applicants on your dashboard and choose the best fit. We have detailed profiles that show you what each person can do and their past work, helping you pick the best one. With Pros Marketplace, you get to pick from so many skilled people, making sure you find the right virtual assistant for your business.

Hire Virtual Assistants

Here is the verified list of virtual assistant profiles. Check them to find candidates with the skills and experience you need for your job openings.

Part Time
worker Profile Image
  • Hourly Rate $3.75

  • Monthly Salary$300

  • Availability20hrs/week

  • English:Beginner

  • Experience11 years

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • Wire Transfer

Randy has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Full Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Venezuela
  • Hourly Rate $3.13

  • Monthly Salary$500

  • Availability40hrs/week

  • English:Intermediate

  • Experience11 years

  • Education Post graduated

I accept:

  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfer
  • +1

This profile has not been verified yet
Full Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Paraguay
  • Hourly Rate $4.38

  • Monthly Salary$700

  • Availability40hrs/week

  • English:Beginner

  • Experience3 years

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Other
  • +1

Fanny has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Full Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Costa Rica
  • Hourly Rate $4.38

  • Monthly Salary$700

  • Availability40hrs/week

  • English:Intermediate

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated from high school

I accept:

  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfer

Kathya has not taken any test
This profile has been successfully verified with Linkedin
Full Time
worker Profile Image
  • Hourly Rate $2.5

  • Monthly Salary$300

  • Availability30hrs/week

  • English:Intermediate

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • Other
  • PayPal

Estefania has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Part Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Venezuela
  • Hourly Rate $25

  • Monthly Salary$1000

  • Availability10hrs/week

  • English:Advanced

  • Experience8 years

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • PayPal

Samantha has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Part Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Colombia
  • Hourly Rate $25

  • Monthly Salary$1000

  • Availability10hrs/week

  • English:Beginner

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Post graduated

I accept:

  • PayPal

Felipe has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Full Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Colombia
  • Hourly Rate $2.5

  • Monthly Salary$400

  • Availability40hrs/week

  • English:Intermediate

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • Google Pay
  • PayPal

Laura has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Part Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Venezuela
  • Hourly Rate $6.25

  • Monthly Salary$500

  • Availability20hrs/week

  • English:Intermediate

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Other
  • +1

Diego has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Part Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Costa Rica
  • Hourly Rate $5

  • Monthly Salary$400

  • Availability20hrs/week

  • English:Intermediate

  • Experience4 years

  • Education Graduated from high school

I accept:

  • PayPal

This profile has been successfully verified with Linkedin
Full Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Colombia
  • Hourly Rate $2.5

  • Monthly Salary$400

  • Availability40hrs/week

  • English:Advanced

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated from high school

I accept:

  • PayPal

Santiago has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Part Time
worker Profile Image
  • Hourly Rate $15

  • Monthly Salary$600

  • Availability10hrs/week

  • English:Beginner

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated from high school

I accept:

  • PayPal

This profile has not been verified yet
Full Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Colombia
  • Hourly Rate $6.25

  • Monthly Salary$1000

  • Availability40hrs/week

  • English:Intermediate

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated from high school

I accept:

  • PayPal

Jhonatan has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Part Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Colombia
  • Hourly Rate $6.25

  • Monthly Salary$500

  • Availability20hrs/week

  • English:Beginner

  • Experience1 year

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfer

Diego H has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet
Part Time
worker Profile Image
location icon Dominican Republic
  • Hourly Rate $7.5

  • Monthly Salary$600

  • Availability20hrs/week

  • English:Beginner

  • Experience6 years

  • Education Graduated

I accept:

  • PayPal
  • Wire Transfer

Sherley has not taken any test
This profile has not been verified yet

How It Works

 Hire a virtual assistant today simply by using Pros Marketplace. You can start hiring by posting job descriptions, reviewing applications, and interviewing candidates.

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Review Our Plans and Register

Once you've selected a plan, register for an Employer account to get started.

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Post Your Job

Share job details, including skills, responsibilities, and salary, to attract top talent.

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Search Remote Workers

After posting your job, you can search through a large pool of remote workers.

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Negotiate Terms

Discuss job expectations, salary, and working conditions with your preferred candidates.

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Hire Virtual Assistant

Once you've selected a candidate, complete the hiring process through our platform.

Hire Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants (VAs) are one of the significant roles in remote work today, and they are widely used in businesses all around the world

They work from anywhere, manage your calendar, reply to emails, and manage social media. Virtual Assistants are very flexible and can change their services to meet what different businesses need.

Both small startups and big companies are looking for trustworthy Virtual Assistants because they help save money, work independently, and boost work done.

Hiring Virtual Assistants can save companies a lot of money because they don’t have to pay for things that come with office-based employees like space, power, and equipment.

This saving helps businesses use their money on other things to grow further. VAs work on specific projects or when needed, which means companies don’t have to commit to them long-term.

This way, businesses can get skilled help without spending too much, keeping them ahead in the market without losing quality.

Platforms like Pros Marketplace have changed how businesses find and hire Virtual Assistants, starting at just $79.

This is good for smaller businesses because it’s an inexpensive way to reach out to skilled people worldwide. This access lets businesses grow and expand without spending a lot on hiring.

Pros Marketplace also makes it easier and quicker for businesses to find the right Virtual Assistants that fit their needs.

Making sure Virtual Assistants are who they say they are is really important for businesses. Pros Marketplace checks everyone carefully to make sure they are professional and skilled.

They look at past work and skills, which helps businesses feel safe hiring a Virtual Assistant. This checking reduces the risks of hiring remotely, letting businesses confidently work with Virtual Assistants.

This careful checking helps protect businesses, making sure their work is done by skilled and trustworthy people.

Great customer service is what makes platforms connecting businesses with Virtual Assistants stand out. They know that making hiring and applying smooth helps build lasting work relationships.

They offer personalized help for any problems in posting a job or applying, aiming to keep everyone happy. Quick, professional, and friendly service solves any issues quickly, making the process better for everyone.

This strong focus on great service makes users happy, keeps them coming back, and helps build a community that works well together for a long time.

Frequently Asked Questions

A virtual assistant is an online person who works as a company employee from another place and helps companies by performing various tasks. The job responsibilities could be anything like handling emails, managing social media, and even writing content.

The cost of hiring a virtual assistant will be determined by expertise and the workload. On ProsMarketplace, you can clarify the pay with the VAs and even agree on some payment terms as well.

To hire a virtual assistant on Pros Marketplace, just follow these easy steps: First, sign up on the site as an employer. Fill out all the details in your profile. Choose a subscription plan that fits your needs. Then, you can put up a job posting. In your posting, make sure to include what skills you’re looking for and how much you’re willing to pay. That’s it! Now you’re on your way to finding the perfect virtual assistant for your business.

Yes, you can edit your job listings, but it’s important to note that any changes you make will need to be approved by our team. After review, if everything is in order, your edited job listing will be live on the Pros Marketplace. This approval process ensures that all job listings maintain a high standard of quality and provide clear, accurate information to attract the right virtual assistants for your business.

If you need help hiring a virtual assistant from Pros Marketplace, contact our customer support team. We provide support via live chat, call, or email so we can always answer your questions or resolve your issues right away.