As a professional accountant I have helped different local or international CO.
Worked to deliver financial reports, budget control, operational cost recovery, billing, analyze the revenues to ensure the accurate reporting and financial condition. Local Tax consultant, finance and accounting... More
I haver experience admin the accounts , bookkeeping and analyzing information, controlling & following up to deliver on time accurate information.
Our latest achivement with my team the successfully merge between Onelink LATAM and Webhelp EUR, our monthly closings on time , the presentation of accurate information local and financial (NIFF) .
Responsible of continuous P&L data analyze (Pan Regional / CAMCA) over time reaching conclusion of the progress made or historical reviews to budget owners by subs, by unit, by clients, by region, KPI
My primary responsibility is providing the VP support while managing the process from entertainment distribution and the Digital Agency to generate the accurate financial information
I studied audit & accounting , I learn local and NIIF statements, tax calculations, P&L , Balance Sheet
We learn about the traceability of specialty coffee from its harverst to its commercializartion
Learn , creativity , entreprenuership, help , personal growth. I have two entreprenuership a side from my full time job. I am a professional photographer - Documentary . I try to share my knowledge , teaching.... More