Virtual Executive Assistant specializing in Human Resources Management
I have a Professional Degree in English Teaching, with a specialization in Human Resources Management. More than 20 years of experience in Management Assistance. I stand out for being creative, a good planner,... More
Provide administrative assistance: writing and editing e-mails, drafting memos, receiving calls, and preparing communications on the executive’s behalf; creating administrative projects...
Remote Freelance Translator collaborating in the long term, guaranteeing large volumes of translations per year. Work by objectives the only limit is deliveries done on time and with high quality.
Responsible for the comprehensive academic education of children of primary age, learning facilitator, counselor, social promoter, and researcher of the first two stages of the basic education level.
Degree in English Teaching. Professional in teaching English as a second language with a high development of communication skills, mastery of the systems that make up the language, knowledge of the cultural manifestations of the countries whose language is studied, and mastery of methodological strategies that enable me to achieve effective instruc
Specialist in Human Resources Management. Trained to analyze and interpret the reality of human behavior in the organization where they operate, using appropriate research tools that allow providing solutions within a total organization concept, based on knowledge management for the structuring of high-performance teams.
Guidelines for the Audit of Management Systems Standard ISO 9001:2011
Management Training Program. Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración – IESA. Venezuela
Training program on Advanced Negotiation Techniques.
Training program on Conflict Management.
I keep myself fit and active and I visit the gym a few times a week. I also spend time with my family. Finally, I like to read self-development books and articles.