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Dorcas I.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

I am a Computer Technician and I dedicate myself to the design and creation of R

I can work as a
  • Content Creator
  • Graphic Designer
Part Time
Dollar icon $200 /Month

I accept:
    • PayPal

This profile has been successfully verified with Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin
Dorcas is a morning Bird and wants to work during America/Santiago Time

About me

    I worked for 5 years at Banco BBVA as a multifunctional administrator and I have been working independently for 3 years in the design and creation of content for social networks


Customer Service & Admin Support

Email Support
( )
4 of 5
5 of 5
Phone Support
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4 of 5
5 of 5
Email Management
( )
4 of 5
Design & Multimedia

Diseño con la herramienta canva de forma muy atractiva, bonita y profesional , además cuento con mucha habilidad con esta herramienta

Graphic Design
5 of 5


Company logo
2015 - 2015

Administrativo multifuncional caja atención al cliente apertura de cuentas


2011 - 2013
Universidad "Federico Brito Figueroa"

Universidad Politécnica Territorial del Estado Aragua "Federico Brito Figueroa" graduada como Técnico en informatica

Certifications & Courses

2023 - 2023
identidad visual de una marca

Diseño y construcción de la identidad visual de la marca personal

2023 - 2023
Marketing en redes sociales

Marketing en redes sociales, contenido relevante buyer persona, herramientas de medicion y busqueda para contenido basado en tendencias



Overall skills: Beginner
Written Level: Beginner
Spoken Level: Beginner


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I love design, I love entrepreneurship podcasts, personal development, I love dancing salsa and merengue, going to the beach, walking and doing marketing, productivity and design courses

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To directly report workers that may violate Pros Marketplace's Terms of Service or Policies.Although we verify and confirm every remote worker profile this could happen and this feature is specifically designed for reporting remote workers that may be fraudulent,spam,fake, or inaccurate..