Chartered Public Accountant, with extensive experience in taxes and auditing
Currently I work in Grant Thornton Venezuela as Tax Manager, supervising and planning activities related to review of formal duties, tax returns, income tax reconciliation and deferred tax calculation among others... More
Extensive accounting knowledge
Experience in customer service and related
Coordinate the control actions that are part of the Work Plan of the Internal Audit Office
Supervision and planning of the activities of the Tax Division, related to the review of formal duties, tax returns (tax conciliation, deferred tax)
Coordinate the execution of different audits, planning their execution, examining operations, administrative and financial acts
I am a University Supervisor Technician in Tax Administration, graduated in 2006. Later, I obtained the title of Public Accountant and I am completing a Postgraduate Degree in Auditing at the Central University of Venezuela
The General objective of the Tax Advisor Program is to provide participants with tools and theoretical and practical knowledge to develop skills and technical skills, as well as ethical and legal points of view that allow them to act correctly in the Tax area.
Application of Strategic Planning in the financial environment. The Financial Analysis of the Organization. Application of the Systematic Structured approach in Credit Risk Management
I love going to the beach, enjoying the outdoors, and exercising. I like to read personal growth books