I am a systems and networks technician, I have worked teaching and IT support
I studied at ITCA-FEPADE and graduated as a Computer Systems and Networks Technician. I have taught at ITCA-FEPADE in technical careers and courses. I taught classes in the Oportunidades Program of the Gloria de... More
My main role was a computer Science teacher, although I also taught mathematics, language training and entrepreneurship.
In charge of providing technical support to the IT team at the hardware and software level of the central offices and remotely to some branches. Monitor the IP links of the branches.
I taught computer classes both in the modality of technical careers and in the area of continuing education.
Non-university higher education technical career in Computer Systems and Networks. After that I have taken courses, diplomas and various certifications.
Training on teaching-learning according to the Bolton methodology.
Learning of the Dale Carnegie principles to be used in a work team.
Leadership training delivered by the Dale Carnegie team.
Specialization in Business Applications in Web Environments taught by the Don Bosco University.
I like to keep myself constantly learning, I don't like to pigeonhole myself into one thing, I think I am very capable of achieving what I set out to do without anything limiting me, not even age, gender or... More