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Paola M.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

I am a psychologist, I work in the community and social area. Activity organizer

I can work as a
  • Human Resources
  • Project Manager
  • Recruiter
Full Time
Dollar icon $400 /Month

I accept:
    • Zelle
    • PayPal

This profile has not been verified yet
Paola is a night Owl and can work anytime

About me

    Graduated in Psychology at Yacambu University. I have experience in the organizational and community area. I worked at INAMUJER, IDENNA and recently at the Youth Animation Center within a humanitarian aid project... More


Project Management

I have been assistant coordinator of projects in the humanitarian, social and community areas. Plan, organize and execute activities evaluating challenges and obstacles.

Marketing Project Management
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3 of 5
Software Development Project Management
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2 of 5
Web Development Project Management
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2 of 5
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3 of 5
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2 of 5
Design Project Management
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2 of 5
Other Project Management
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4 of 5
Writing Project Management
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4 of 5
Project Coordinator
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4 of 5


2019 - 2022
Universidad Yacambu

I graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology and have been practicing it successfully ever since. Currently I keep updating myself, studying and learning new things.



Overall skills: Beginner
Written Level: Beginner
Spoken Level: Beginner


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I love being at home organizing spaces. I like to exercise. Read in my spare time. Dance and music lover.

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