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Jesus B.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

I am a university student

I can work as a
  • Virtual Assistant
Part Time
Dollar icon $1000 /Month

I accept:
    • Other

This profile has not been verified yet
Jesus is a morning Bird and wants to work during America/Lima Time

About me

    I do not have a professional career, I am still a university student. My focus is on efficiency, ability, and the commitment to never give up. I strive to be a good person both in the workplace and personally,... More


Email Marketing

Constant Contact
5 of 5



Overall skills: Beginner
Written Level: Intermediate
Spoken Level: Beginner


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    My focus is on efficiency, skill, and commitment to never give up. I strive to be a good person both in the workplace and personally, always seeking to progress and overcome any challenges that may arise.

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To directly report workers that may violate Pros Marketplace's Terms of Service or Policies.Although we verify and confirm every remote worker profile this could happen and this feature is specifically designed for reporting remote workers that may be fraudulent,spam,fake, or inaccurate..