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Angelo C.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

Marketing, sales, customer service and software development.

I can work as a
  • Sales And Marketing
  • Web Developer
  • Mobile Developer
Full Time
Dollar icon $1200 /Month

I accept:
    • PayPal

This profile has been successfully verified with Linkedin
Angelo is a night Owl and can work anytime

About me

    Graduate of the Software Development career at IDAT, a recognized institute in Peru, the topics that I can handle include Java, JS, Python, .Net, Spring, Node, SQL, React.js, Angular, Asp , Aws, Express.js.


Customer Service & Admin Support

Customer Support
5 of 5
Phone Support
5 of 5
Customer Service
5 of 5
Market & Product Research
( )
4 of 5
( )
4 of 5
Design & Multimedia

( )
( )
3 of 5


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2020 - 2022
Sales executive

Fulfillment of goals, daily, weekly and monthly. Only 1 XVEN in more than 1 year of management. Average of 12 monthly sales. First advisor who started a telecommuting sales campaign.


2021 - 2022

I am finishing my Software Development career, IDAT is the most recognized institute in this career at a national level.

Certifications & Courses

2021 - 2021
CCNA Routing and Switching: Introducción

Explain network technologies. Explain how devices access local network resources and remote. Describe the hardware of the router. Explain how switching works in a small or large network. medium business.

2021 - 2021
PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python

knows the universal concepts of computer programming, including variables, data structures, algorithms, control flow, functions, and exceptions; can proficiently use the developer tools, the runtime environment, and the syntax and semantics of the Python language;

2021 - 2021
IT Essentials

Select and install the proper computer components to assemble, repair, or upgrade personal computers. Demonstrate what safe laboratory procedures look like. Proper use of tools for maintenance preventive and solve problems in personal computers. Perform installation, repair, maintenance.



Overall skills: Beginner
Written Level: Beginner
Spoken Level: Beginner


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I love video games, swimming and traveling. Sobre todo viajar, siempre que tengo tiempo me escapo fuera de Lima a conocer nuevos lugares y pueblos.


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