Adminstrative assistant and data analyst.
I have 8 years of experience in positions such as administrative, customer service, logistics operations. On my own I manufacture and sell luminaires for indoor growing. I have knowledge in tools such as SQL,... More
I started out trading supplies and after seeing positive results, decided to expand and begin manufacturing our own LED grow lighting products, allowing us to offer our clients high-quality products
I coordinated the vehicle emergency assistance service requested for our clients in Argentina and neighboring countries, evaluating routes, coverage, providers and limitations to offer a solution
I assisted and guided our clients in Argentina and neighboring countries according to their needs in order to offer a quality vehicle emergency assistance service and experience.
I managed stock, generated analysis and statistics, purchase charts, sales, profitability analysis and improvement opportunities for products. I also did invoice uploading and cash control.
Licenciature degree in Psychology. Focused on quantitative analysis. Interrumpted by migration.
CoderHouse Academy - Focused on Microsoft Excel, SQL, Tableau, Power BI to process raw data into worthy information and afficient graphs.
I like taking photos and videos, riding on my motorcylce, collecting anciente coins, playing football.
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