Urban Planner,MBA,English and sch professor
I've worked as an Urban Planner,university and private professor,real estate appraiser.As an inmigrant in DR,I have been freelance seller's and administrative's asistant,I transcribe videos and images,do theses,... More
I make transcriptions of videos,voices and images, advise,edit or correct thesis and various types of reports and articles, I can redact reports,and content,Can translate englih/spanish and viceversa
MBA. Master In Business Administration
Study of land uses in a country or city. Design and studies of urban areas, their growth in order to achievetheir harmonious develope.Urban development plan
Urban Planner. Social and económicas research, among others, to understand the city, its dynamics, foresee and plan its harmonious growth, anticipating possible problemas, and what concerns urban transporte, land use, zoning, urban services and the behavior of cities in general
Allocationand study of regional, general and local land uses.Urban areas as dinamic entities, studies of their growth to plan their harmonious development.Urban development plans at local, regional and general levels. The interrelation of urban and rural spaces and their management
Business management, finance.Creation and analysis of proyects; tipes of companies, organizational structures. Companies and their financial statements. Analysis of securities and investment portfolios
Training to teach presential and online englis in Academia Europea, Dominican Republic
Hobbies: reading, writing, painting and walking. Passions: learn somerhing New everyday, teaching, face challenges, travel, make friends
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