I am an English teacher who loves sharing his knowledge and learning a lot
I am currently studying for a degree in foreign languages with an emphasis in English, even though I am in the 8th semester, I am already working as an English teacher in an English academy, however, I am willing... More
I have learned a lot using those tools and they have helped me to perform myself much better
I graduated from high school and now I am studying for a degree in foreign languages with an emphasis in English
This is a certification given by the English academy where I learned English
In this study, I learned how to breed and sell pigs, fish, chickens, and cows
I got some knowledge about how to use excel in several situations and usage
I love doing activities that give me fantastic experiences and feed my life with happiness and memories, for example: riding my motorcycle, going swimming in rivers, dancing to any music, listening to music, and... More
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