more than 4 years of experience in marketing and administration. Solid track rec
Graduated with a higher university degree in business administration, I have a diploma in marketing and I am completing a degree in administration. I have more than 4 years of work experience in the administrative... More
Sales executive in a company in the telecommunications area where I developed skills such as customer service, use of e-commerce, assistance to coordinators, creation of strategies
Remote and in person assistance in the administrative area of the marketing company, specifically in the finance area.
Director of a travel agency where I was in charge of coordinating budgets, suppliers, agenda, supervising staff, creating sales strategies, digital marketing management, brand promotion
I am ready to graduate with a degree in administration.
I graduated with a university degree in business administration.
I completed a diploma in digital marketing and advertising endorsed by the Central University of Venezuela
I am looking for a company to develop my capabilities. I have communication and problem-solving skills, capable of managing various administrative tasks, with the ability to coordinate projects, and previous... More
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