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Melany A.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

Registration and classification of transactions, management of invoices and vouc

I can work as a
  • Bookkeeper
Full Time
Dollar icon $800 /Month

I accept:
    • PayPal

This profile has not been verified yet
Melany is a morning Bird and can work anytime

About me

    accounting assistant, with emphasis on billing, control and monitoring of accounts payable and accounts receivable, purchases, purchase orders, suppliers and customer service



With my knowledge in accounting, I was able to acquire much more experience in the company I was in, giving very good results. One of my skills is being organized, punctual, and responsible.

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3 of 5
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4 of 5



Overall skills: Intermediate
Written Level: Intermediate
Spoken Level: Beginner


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I like to study, read, listen to music, work, I aspire to have a good job which allows me to provide my knowledge and learn a lot from it.

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To directly report workers that may violate Pros Marketplace's Terms of Service or Policies.Although we verify and confirm every remote worker profile this could happen and this feature is specifically designed for reporting remote workers that may be fraudulent,spam,fake, or inaccurate..

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