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Paula Melisa T.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

Strong orientation in customer service, virtual, telephone and direct

I can work as a
  • Customer Support
  • Virtual Assistant
Full Time
Dollar icon $600 /Month

I accept:
    • Wire Transfer
    • PayPal

This profile has not been verified yet
Paula Melisa is a morning Bird and can work anytime

About me

    I am a journalistic social communicator. I still do not have the most experience, but I do have the desire to learn in the opportunities that come, my strength now and what I have been doing for a while is customer... More



5 of 5
Customer Service & Admin Support

As I have gained experience in customer service, I have also gained experience in work tools such as the previous ones.

Customer Support
5 of 5
Microsoft Excel
5 of 5
Microsoft PowerPoint
5 of 5
Email Management
5 of 5
Microsoft Word
5 of 5
Customer Service
5 of 5
Google Calendar
5 of 5
( )
( )
( )
( )
1 of 5



Overall skills: Beginner
Written Level: Beginner
Spoken Level: Beginner


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I love family time is sacred to me, the plan to watch movies is one of my favorites; I really like listening to music, I'm in love with exercising my body in the gym and my mind reading amazing books

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To directly report workers that may violate Pros Marketplace's Terms of Service or Policies.Although we verify and confirm every remote worker profile this could happen and this feature is specifically designed for reporting remote workers that may be fraudulent,spam,fake, or inaccurate..

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