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Samantha C.
I am offline now

I’m available for a long-term job

Virtual assistance

I can work as a
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Social Media Manager
Part Time
Dollar icon $600 /Month

I accept:
    • PayPal

This profile has not been verified yet
Samantha is a morning Bird and wants to work during America/St_Johns Time

About me

    I worked in a call center for Claro Chile, after that in the same company (Survey Fast Venezuela) I did surveys and after working as a virtual assistance


Social Media

I have a small business and I am the community manager there

Community Management
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3 of 5
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4 of 5
Social Media
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4 of 5
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3 of 5
Tik Tok
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4 of 5



Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Intermediate


Overall skills: Advanced
Written Level: Advanced
Spoken Level: Advanced

My Hobbies

    I have my focus on my career and english. When I am free I prefeer to do some exercise so I can have a good balance.

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